Two Day (14 hrs)
Workshop Fee: $450
Prerequisite: Tuning Forks Level 3 : Spanning the Frequencies
In this workshop students will learn how to work with the initiatory, vitalizing and warming energy of the Sun. They will be introduced to the 5 Element Theory and how it applies to Sound Healing.
Tuning forks therapy is based on the principles of sound healing and the knowledge of acupressure points and the chakras. When tuning forks are placed on specific acupressure points they access the innate wisdom of the complete being (body, mind & soul) to create opportunities for perfect health and balance for that individual’s development.
Students require 2 Ohm tuning forks, 1 Low Ohm tuning fork and 1 Mid New Moon, 1 Low New Moon tuning fork or Luna Planetary 5th tuning forks set, 2 High Ohm tuning forks, 1 Osteo Ohm tuning fork and Solar 7th tuning forks set.
Tuning forks can be ordered through Brenda at [email protected]
Studio Chi reserves the right to cancel programs and workshops with a minimum registration of 5 students.
“Your teaching and written work is so well put together, you are truly a gift to all whose paths you meet. I feel you have passed keys on to me to unlock so much in my world and for others that I may offer help.”